Thursday, December 30, 2010

Something Around Her Neck...

You should be able to read the caption now... I don't know why some of the images are not uploading to their original size. This illustration is 1.5 m. If you know of one that looks smaller than it should be, let me know and I'll try to upload it again.

The Egg Robot

NASA and the US Air Force spent $385 million dollars to create a robotic device that could crack an egg. They then spent an additional $625 million dollars on a robot that would actually prepare the omelet.

A Normal Bus

Top photo by Mark Power - Bottom photo by Ralph Crane


Paper Golem at Tumblr - another fucking loser who is posting my original images without a link. Get a life, you uncreative prick. Don't you have your own imagination?

Thanks for the tip rrrick.