Tuesday, May 3, 2011

One must be delusional to think they own the rights to an image merely for posting it.  On the other hand, if one creates an image, I personally feel a link should be provided.  

It’s been apparent to me for sometime now that people are posting images I’ve altered or created without a link, so I’ve been holding out my best work and favorite images for the New Twisted Vintage.

Take whatever you’d like from this blog. I don’t give a shit anymore. I’m tired of the game.

These tags sicken me so the new blog will have none of that. I’m only allowed 100 followers so if you’d like an invite email me. If you don’t already follow this blog don’t even fucking think about it. 

And here’s the kicker... if ever this blog attains more than 1000 followers, I’ll gladly transfer the work I’ve been doing on the new site to this one. Otherwise - fuck off.

Tied To The Tracks

If anyone would like a particular photo unmarked that 
currently bears a tag, feel free to email me and I'll
happily send one along.

The Halfwits

This is the first installment of a series I'm working on
called 'Garage Bands That Never Made It.'