Saturday, March 26, 2011

Batgirl's Cameltoe

Ahhh, Warner Bros.


  1. I'm friends with a lot of comic fans, so I had to share this one. I hope you don't mind.

  2. Not at all - fascinating isn't it - what a tiny simple line can do to an innocent image.

  3. When you are a nerd boy animator this is the kind of stuff you live for. As I recall there is a 1 frame beaver flash of Jessica Rabbit in Who Framed RR. When I saw the scene I told my brother,and he said "How the F' did you see that?" and I told him I didn't, I just knew it would have to be there.

  4. Yeah, I just Had to add the little line. That V was just screaming out to me to do so...

    Incredible, that you spotted a 1 frame flash of the hottie, Jessica Rabbit.
    It reminds me of a scene in Starship Troopers where this phallic object is entering Mrs. Richard's mouth when... oh, you know the story.

  5. Now I'm beginning to wonder if this is what they were talking about every time they said, "To the bat cave!"


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