Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Clown On Skates


  1. CREEPY! Clowns are scary, man!

  2. Ha - this guy looks like a real 'winner' - dude, did you ever got the comment I left on FB? Awesome NZ pix ! Went through them a couple times already !

  3. Scientists didn't know how it spread whether it was in the Air , or the confetti, shaving cream, seltzer or a pie in the face. All they knew is once the hair turned color and the face whitened, the nose and feet enlarged and swelled it was over. At least it was easy to tell when they turned but once they turned there was no saving them all you could do was SZP. Standard Zombie Procedure
    Shoot 'em in the head.

  4. LOL - totally bizarre - love it !
    Wanted you to say shoot them in the big red nose but realized it's a reference to Killer Clowns From Outer Space.

    SZP - works just as well, as long as the head pops like a balloon !


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