Monday, April 25, 2011

Greeting The Robot


  1. Yes I know you have over 18 axes of articulation.
    Yes Yes I know you have almost a 256 word vocabulary
    No no, it's not because you are a Robot. Nothing like that.
    I, I just don't like you in that way.
    It's just that I need a man, a man, or a robot, who has a dick and balls not just ball bearings.
    We can still be just friends though, OK?

  2. "I mother described C3PO very specifically and you don't look anything like him."

    "A rebellion puts a robot through many changes. I remember every detail of Lisa's face. You look just like her."

    "Her name was Leia."

    "That's what I said...Leia."

    "Well...ok. So your saying that you're my father?"

    "That isn't what I said. I asked you to call me daddy while giving me an oil bath."

  3. LOL - Korbin you need to write your own comic book !


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