Saturday, April 23, 2011

Vintage Sperm Spittoon


  1. "No, seriously. We can do it anywhere else, just not on my dad's HiFi. C'mon you're making me nervous. We can do it on the kitchen table, on my sister's stuffed animals, on my mom's mink coats...what? The mink coats? Sure thing. Be right back."

  2. Uh well yes your dictation skills seem to be top notch and your references are excellent as well. Well I just have a few more questions. What position at this Company do you see yourself at in say the next 3 minutes.

  3. LOL - if she says "missionary," she's headed to the secretarial pool.

  4. I feel as though I may get an STD viewing this. I bet she's all TOO familiar with the corporate... er... rod.


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