Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Giant Head Of Columbian Cocaine


  1. Christian and Ted hoped they could finish their Giant Olmec head made entirely out of Colombian cocaine in time for the Tate biennial; but if they did not win or sell the piece to Satchi they had mutually agreed to chip off the bottom right portion of his nostril to pay back the loans. We'll show that Hirst fellow Ted exclaimed through clenched teeth and the cracked lips of a mouth that had not touched food in a week and a half.

  2. Freakin' hysterical ! A giant head of cocaine -Why didn't I think of that ?!?!?
    Brilliant !

    I may have to change the title - it's just sooooo great !

  3. This is Charlie Sheen's big rock of crack.
    Here we see some of his winners scraping a pipeload for him.

  4. To the dismay of Charlie, his goddesses prefer to lick this head more often than his.

  5. LOL - all very funny !

    And we have to thank Mr. X for his twisted scenario that started the ball rolling...

  6. You've got it all wrong! It's a Mexican Olmeca head. Not sure if it's cocaine or other drug.


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